Session One Reading Assignments


Fear Fighters book

1. Chapter 1, Facing Off Your Fears

Living Without Fear

We have to overcome our fear of failure before we can take a calculated risk, but there are consequences to NOT taking a risk. We could miss what God has for us. It is impossible to live life without trying new things and taking risks and possibly experiencing failure. If we do not face our fears, they will keep us from living the victorious life and will keep us from experiencing the faithfulness of God. God’s desire is NOT that you suffer the regret of what could have, would have, or should have been. 

We MUST remember these three things:

  1. Jesus is with me and He has all power
  2. God is at the bottom—When you hit bottom, He is there, too, ready to lift you up
  3. God has given to everyone a measure of faith


2. Chapter 2: Much Ado About Nothing

Fear is not rational and is not based on fact.

The word “ado” can be translated as “commotion,” “clamor,” or “uproar.”  Fear and worry work together to deceive you by appearances. You have to decide to become a warrior and not a worrier. As a fear fighter you can use God’s Word to overcome worry and fear. Being a warrior doesn’t mean you don’t ever feel afraid or uncertain, but when fear threatens you, declare what David declared, “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You!” God needs some men and women in these troubled times to have the courage to say, “God said it, and I am going to do it!” To be a fear fighter you need to understand that you will find yourself in “unequal fights.” This simply means that there will be days when the circumstances or the adversary is bigger than you. But they are never bigger than your God. 


Bible Readings:

  1. II Timothy chapter 1
  2. Deuteronomy chapter 33
  3. Romans chapter 12
  4. Luke chapter 22
  5. Matthew chapter 17


Watch the Following Video

Spend the next 12-15 minutes in worship and contemplation, thinking on this week’s activities. Watch Kari Jobe, Forever:


Please Answer the Following Questions

  1. Give a brief summary of your Bible readings for lesson one. 
  2. Give a brief summary of your readings in Fear Fighters.
  3. What jumped out at you the most in your readings from this lesson?
  4. What do you look forward to the most about your study of Fear Fighters
  5. What are your expectations for this study? 
  6. Talk about the video you watched. 
  7. Based on what you have learned in this first lesson, are there any areas of your life or anything that you will begin to do or think about differently? 
  8. Ask any questions or make any comments to your instructor for feedback. 

Submit a one paragraph minimum reflection on this lesson, along with your answers to the questions above, by clicking on the "Contact Instructor" button located below. After you have submitted your answers, you will receive a personalized response from your course mentor based on your answers.

Reflection should include the following:  

  • What you learned 
  • What had the most value for you or applied to your life 
  • Any other take-aways


Move on to lesson two when you're ready.